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To place an order or any other queries, please email me at :


We currently accept payments via online bank transfers only. Shipping would be done once full payment is received.


Shipping rates would be charged at actual and would depend upon weight of the parcel and the distance. International orders are welcome.


  1. Hey Nupur, My Name is Piyanki and I am unable to visit your online store

  2. your gallery is just very nice .graphics are very nice . your website it just super. best of luck . do come visit me some time. that goes to everybody who see this. WE.HOBBIESANDCRAFTS.NET. and please sign my guestbook at the bottom of my webpage to let me know you came to see me tell all your very good friends thank you.

  3. Hello Nupur,

    I got to your site from Heartfelt Creations. So first of all for making it into their Design Team! :-)

    While on your blog, I found the following gift set:

    I have been trying to find the tile punch you used but no luck yet... could you please help guide as to the company and pattern name for the tile punch and where to buy it from.

    Thank you in advance,


  4. Hello Nupur, my name is Suzanne and I got to your site from HFC. I am really interested in the card you made called Fairy Dreams. I have tried to follow your instructions but cannot understand the "half circle" placed in the card. Do you have a tutorial on this that I could follow? I really appreciate your help on this. It is a definite must have technique for me. Thanks in advance.


Hi thanks for dropping by and having a look at my blog. Your comments are much appreciated. Hugs. Nupur...